Developing with C/C++ on console
I am taking a High Performance Computing course this semester. For that we have to ssh into the university’s computing cluster. The interface is entirely console based. Now that might seem awesome at first: typing away commands like a “hacker”. And it is awesome. But after a while it gets tiring, particularly when I am writing code.
With C/C++, source files are compiled into an executable. Then the program can be run. This usually takes two sets of commands:
$ g++ <file.cpp> -o <executable_name> $ ./<executable_name>
But then I discovered the wonders of bash commands. Bash is the environment of the Linux terminal. It lets you define functions that you can call later. The function I wrote was:
cpp() {
local fname=$1
local exe_name=${fname/.cpp/.exe}
echo "$(tput setaf 3)Compiling: " $fname "-> " $exe_name"; args=>[${@:2}]$(tput sgr0)"
g++ $1 -o $exe_name
./$exe_name "${@:2}"
I put this function in my .bashrc file so it’s available whenever I log in to my terminal. With this function, I can just pass the .cpp file as an argument along with other command line arguments. The function compiles and runs the source file together:
$ cpp <source_file.cpp> <any arguments>
Ibrahim Ahmed