About Me

Hi. My name is Ibrahim. I built this website as a teaching aid for myself. I like to sprinkle updates here occasionally.

I am pursuing a career focused on machine learning and controls. See my resume for more details. My current projects involve data center design, energy optimization, generative AI for analytics, and HVAC controls.

I have a hobbyist’s interest in electronics, web-development, and technical writing for a broad audience.

I have a professional interest in machine learning, reinforcement learning, optimization, and all manners of quantitative pursuits.


I am interested in data-driven optimization in physics-based systems. These days I am exploring reinforcement learning, operations research, and scientific ML.

My PhD thesis was on Adaptive Fault-tolerant Control Using Reinforcement Learning. You can read it here. I investigated how to make data-driven control methods more efficient in resource constrained situations where fast adaptation was needed. Specifically, I researched reinforcement learning for fault-tolerant control in unmanned aerial vehicles. I also dabbled in machine learning for control of smart buildings. I was part of the Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems(MACS) group at Vanderbilt University’s Institute for Software Integrated Systems.

At a couple of internships, I worked with privacy-preserving machine learning, and with digital signal processing for machine learning-based prognostics.

In my undergraduate career, I worked in astrophysics, on dark matter simulations. I also did some research on radiation hardening experiments for electronics in space.

Here are some short videos about some of my work.This is a 60-second description of my current research work:

Here’s a video I made on my previous research project. The video was for my fellowship with the Vanderbilt Institute of Digital Learning where I explored new ways of teaching using digital media.

What I do for fun

I like running, bouldering, playing tennis, and the occasional video game. My favorite genres are sci-fi and epic fantasy. I love to cook. I approach potlucks extremely competitively :)


Thursday, May 25, 2023 | 1 min read
Updates from my professional life